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Thrashacre started at as two piece beginning with James Horton and Spike Refalo. The two being school friends at the time and sharing a love for the same music tastes, decided to take it to the next level and start playing instruments respectively. With a guitarist and drummer sorted the two started to recruit other musicians. The next in line was bassist Francesco 'Cikku' Frendo joining the fold. After sometime with this line-up the band was excited to audition a guitarist they had their eyes set upon for a while. This guitarist would be  Noel Ellul. A perfect match up for the band's sound. Armed with the instrumentalists, the band started seeking a vocalist to finalize their line-up. After a couple of vocalists the band settled with Ryan Farrugia. 

The band had now finalized it's line-up in 2006. This is where the band started song writing and crafting their music. The band was always heavily influenced by the Bay Area Thrash Metal scene that was prominent in the 1980's. Between 2006-2009 the band had already summoned up two album's worth of material. This was time for the band to go live. Thrashacre was actively performing their music between the years 2009-2013 building a reputation in the local scene. It was from 2013 that the band hibernated until the year 2019 when the band re-joined without fellow guitarist Noel Ellul. Thrashacre continued to accept gigs and one of them being a gig supporting Irish thrash metallers Gama Bomb. The aim for the band was clear from this moment that they will record some of the songs made between 2006-2009 as the opportunity was lost during the active years of the band.

The year 2019 saw the band ready to record for the first time and 'Live & Let Thrash' was born. Thrashacre released their album in 2021 and are proud to have finally put out some of their material into physical form.
The band is currently on hiatus mode until further notice.

Band Members


Francesco "Cikku" Frendo


Spike Refalo

Vocals, Saxaphone

Ryan Farrugia


James Horton



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