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Sat, 22 Apr


Pjazza San Franġisk


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Time & Location

22 Apr 2023, 20:30 – 23:50

Pjazza San Franġisk, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex

About the event

Vjaġġ nostalġiku mużikali: The Troggs | The Beatles | The Tramps | The Alan Parsons Project | Stevie Wonder | Tina Turner | Whitney Houston | U2 | Coldplay | Chasing Pandora, kantanti mix-xena mużikali Għawdxija minn dawn l-aħħar ħamsin sena.


Kunċert b'xejn.

A nostalgic musical journey: The Troggs | The Beatles | The Tramps | The Alan Parsons Project | Stevie Wonder | Tina Turner | Whitney Houston | U2 | Coldplay | Chasing Pandora and a tribute to Gozo's singers from the past fifty years.

*** Free event sponsored by the Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo

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