We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Respectful communication: All users must treat each other with respect and kindness. Personal attacks, hate speech, and other forms of disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.
No politics: This is a forum for music discussion and all political discussions are strictly prohibited.
No spam: Spamming the forum with irrelevant or repeated posts is not allowed. This includes promoting products, services, or websites that are not related to music. If you have any merch to sell, speak to us so we can include it in out Merch section. If you would like to post an advert, kindly do so in the Listings section
Keep it clean: All posts must be appropriate for a general audience and not contain any offensive language, images, or links.
Copyright: All users must respect the copyright of others and not post any copyrighted material without permission.
No personal information: Please do not post any personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses.
Moderation: The moderators have the final say on what is allowed on the forum and can remove any posts that violate these rules.
Report posts: If you see a post that you believe violates these rules, please report it to the moderators so that it can be reviewed
Let's create an enjoyable community where everyone can share their love for music
The Melodija Team 🤟🏻